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Av K - 4 januari 2009 17:04 


Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel's ground offensive into the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

The report comes after Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night, opening a ground operation after eight days of intensive attacks by Israeli air and naval forces on the impoverished region.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned on Sunday that the wide-ranging ground offensive in the Gaza Strip would be "full of surprises."

A ground offensive in the densely-populated Gaza is expected to drastically increase the death toll of the civilian population.

The latest assaults bring the number of Palestinians killed to over 488 with 2790 others wounded. The UN says that about 25 percent of the casualties were civilian deaths - including at least 34 children.

According to Israeli army officials, at least 30 of its soldiers have been wounded since the start of the ground campaign.

Amid global condemnation of the ongoing violence in the region, the UN Security Council failed to agree on a united approach to resolve the crisis.

" Once again, the world is watching in dismay the dysfunctionality of the Security Council," UN General Assembly chief Miguel d'Escoto said Sunday.

According to diplomatic sources, the US blocked a Security Council resolution, with US Deputy Ambassador Alejandro Wolff arguing that an official statement that criticizes both Israel and Hamas would not be helpful.

The White House has so far declined to comment on whether an Israeli ground incursion into Gaza is a justified measure.

Av K - 4 januari 2009 16:57

By Stuart Littlewood

  • Keep your eye on the ball

What if Hamas dumped all their rockets in the sea tomorrow? Would Gazans enjoy the same freedoms as other nations? Would they be able to open their sea port to foreign ships and rebuild and operate their airport? Would they be able to import and export and carry on trade and develop their economy and prosper like other countries?

Would they be allowed to exploit and develop their offshore gas field? Would their fishermen be allowed to fish in unpolluted waters? Would their young people be able to come and go and take up places at foreign universities?

Would Israel clear out of Gazan airspace permanently? Would the Israeli navy cease its piracy and stay out of Palestinian territorial waters? Would you and I be able to visit Gaza direct?

Fat chance. None of this would suit Israel. So Gazans would be no better off. Their tormented half-existence would continue.

There are no rockets coming out of the West Bank. Yet the illegal Israeli occupation there continues and so does the ethnic cleansing, the land theft, the illegal settlements, the colonization, the demolition of Palestinian homes, the throttling of the economy, the abduction and 'administrative detention' of civilians and the massive interference with freedom of movement. Nothing has changed for West Bank Palestinians who DO NOT fire rockets. There is no sign of an end to their misery.

The bloody assault on Gaza therefore has much more to do with Israel's ambition to expand racial dominance in the Holy Land than crude and erratic rocket-fire. Hamas and the Palestinians holed up in Gaza are simply in the way of the Grand Plan and have to be removed or totally subdued.

The international community needs to keep their eye on the ball - the big issue – which is the ending of the occupation and Israel's withdrawal to recognized pre-67 borders as required by international law. In short, they need to stop wringing their hands and start delivering justice, which is long overdue.

Palestinians in Gaza will hardly wish to give up armed resistance until they receive copper-bottomed guarantees of a normal life unmolested by Israel... and see concrete evidence of it.

-- Stuart Littlewood is author of the book Radio Free Palestine, which tells the plight of the Palestinians under occupation.

Source: Middle East Online
Av K - 3 januari 2009 08:14

Skicka e-post till statsministern och be honom agera i Palestinafrågan nu!

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Fredrik Reinfeldt, Statsminister
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Av K - 2 januari 2009 22:32

Stoppa utsvältningen av Gaza!11 12 2008

Den israeliska blockaden av Gaza fortsätter. Röda Korset rapporterar om allt fler fall av kronisk undernäring – något som inte minst drabbar barnen. Närmare 80% av den 1,5 miljoner stora befolkningen lever under FN:s fattigdomsgräns.

I detta läge skärper Israel blockaden ytterligare. I början av december stoppade den israeliska flottan det libyska fartyget al-Marwa – lastat med 1200 ton ris, 750 ton mjölk, 500 ton olja, 500 ton mjöl och 100 ton mediciner till befolkningen i Gaza – och tvingade det att vända om. Även FN-hjälp, och sändningar från t.ex den israeliska fredsrörelsen, har stoppats.

Enligt Folkmordskonventionen, antagen av FN:s generalförsamling den 9 december 1948, är det att beteckna som folkmord att uppsåtligen tillfoga en viss grupp människor ”svår kroppslig eller själslig skada” och påtvinga den ”levnadsvillkor, som äro avsedda att medföra dess fysiska undergång helt eller delvis” (artikel II).

Det är märkligt att israeliska judar, som upplevt folkmord och förintelse, själva använder folkmordsstrategier mot sina medmänniskor. Märkligt är också att den egyptiska regeringen, som talar högt och brett om solidaritet med palestinierna, inte bryter blockaden genom att öppna gränsen mot Gaza och släppa in förnödenheter.

Men märkligast är att demokratiska stater som Sverige, och EU, låter detta hända, och inte agerar mot så uppenbara brott mot FN-konventioner och folkrätt. Amnesty International kallar nu till protester mot Israels politik. När få vi se våra politiska partier, och regeringen, agera?

Gunnar Olofsson
Palestinagruppen i Göteborg

Av K - 2 januari 2009 22:02

Det finns många judar som är mot sionismen och staten Israel.

Av K - 2 januari 2009 11:35

Varifrån får du dina nyheter? Kan det vara dags att läsa nyheter från en annan vinkel?



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