Alla inlägg den 9 januari 2009

Av K - 9 januari 2009 08:21

FN ökar trycket på Israel
New York.

FN:s säkerhetsråd ökar trycket på Israel. I en nästan enig resolution uppmanar rådet till "omedelbar, hållbar" vapenvila i Gazaremsan och att Israel fullständigt drar tillbaka sina styrkor.
USA avstod från att rösta.


Min kommentar:
Det var väntat! Bojkotta även allt från USA från och med NU!

Av K - 9 januari 2009 07:50

Fast stora delar av världen protesterar fortsätter sionisterna massakern i GAZA!

Jag kan inte se det på annat sätt att det inte står riktigt rätt till i huvuden på dem som styr där och de som accepterar dessa styrande sionister!

lider de av psykos?

psyko´s, svår psykisk störning med bristande verklighetskontakt och mer eller mindre fullständig avsaknad av sjukdomsinsikt, dvs. förmåga att inse att man inte är frisk.

Eftersom de styrande i Israel inte har någon förmåga att inse att det de gör inte är friskt måste dem ju omyndigförklaras av övriga världen!


är de psykopater?

En del  psykopaters mål  nås genom att hjärntvätta och  isolera offret, när någon gått i fällan och så småningom tappat motståndet påbörjas utsugningen, målet är full kontroll både känslomässigt och ekonomisk.

Osanningar framförs på ett självsäkert sätt, kommer ett avslöjande ljugs det om i ny tappning gång efter gång, att försöka vinna över en psykopat betyder ett oavbrutet sökande utan slut efter vad som är sanning eller lögn.

Någon öppnar sitt innersta, anförtror sig, blottar sina svagheter, psykopaten mins och har dessa i beredskap att användas som påtryckning eller hämd om det behövs.

Samvete och ånger (empati) som styr människor saknas helt eller delvis hos psykopaten, i stället utnyttjar denna andras utvecklade samvete till att  lägga skuldbördan för eget handlande  på andra och oskyldigförklara sig själv.

Är psykopaten  snäll, rar, ömsint och gör det någon tycker om är detta i regel ren manipulation, psykopaten själv ser inget fel i sitt sätt att leva, empatin är obefintlig och träning har utvecklat en ljugande egoist och människoplågare.

 Lätt för andra att förvirras  och luras av psykopaten, denna själv tycks  tro på sina egna lögner och detta gör att de normala tecknen som visar att någon ljuger uteblir.En psykopat erkänner aldrig några fel med ett undantag, när detta sker är det utstuderat för vinnings skull, väcka tycka synd om känslor, vinna mera mark och fördel.

Av K - 9 januari 2009 07:47

man använde ordet solidaritet!

Solidaritet är villighet att hjälpa och stödja andra människor!

Av K - 9 januari 2009 07:41

Worldwide protests on Gaza continue

About 40,000 people marched in Oslo against the violence in Gaza

International condemnation of Israel's two week assault on Gaza has continued, with tens of thousands of protesters calling for end to the military offensive.

In Norway on Thursday, at least 40,000 people marched in the capital Oslo, as well as in five other cities, in a protest called by an alliance of about 80 organisations.

The demonstration was called after two Norwegian doctors working in Gaza sent messages to Norwegian media about Israel's assault there.

"Our hope is that this gathering will be felt in the Middle East. We want to show the world that people can stand together in peace, no matter what their religious or political view," Svein Tore Bergestuen, one of the event organisers, told Al Jazeera.


The largely peaceful protest was marred by the detention of at least 27 people after clashes between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

Shop windows in the city centre were shattered and police repeatedly used teargas to break up groups of activists.

The violence started when about 1,000 pro-Palestinian supporters showed up at a rally sponsored by Norway's largest opposition party in support of Israel.

Television pictures showed them burning Israeli flags and throwing projectiles at police.

"This has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza," Johan Fredriksen, chief of staff of the Oslo police, told the website of the Aftenposten newspaper.

"These people came to the protest with knives, bats and Molotov cocktails," he said, speaking about the pro-Palestinian side.

Other protests

Demonstrations were also held in Venezuela, Tehran, Khartoum and Sarajevo.

rotesters in Venezuela protesting against Israeli attacks [AFP]
In an address to thousands in Tehran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, criticised some Muslim majority states for not supporting the Palestinians.

Thousands also gathered in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to express their solidarity with Gaza, some brandishing models of rockets.

Several hundred people gathered in freezing conditions in front of the US embassy in Sarajevo and called for Washington to use its influence to stop Israeli attacks on Gaza.
In Venezuela, protesters condemning Israel sprayed graffiti and hurled shoes at the country's embassy, backing the decision by Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president, to expel the Israeli ambassador.

About 1,000 demonstrators waved Palestinian flags and chanted "Gaza, hold on! The world is rising up!"

The protest came two days after Chavez ordered Shlomo Cohen to leave in protest over the war and Israel says it is considering expelling Venezuelan diplomats in response.

Av K - 9 januari 2009 07:37

Flera stora organisationer i Sverige (bl a IFiS) under namn # GAZA SOLIDARITET # kommer att anordna enDemonstration till stöd för Gaza

Tid:     Lördag 10/1, kl. 13.00

Plats:  Sergerls torg

På lördag går Israels massaker i Gaza in på sin andra vecka. Israels hämningslösa flygbombningar som jämnat Gaza med marken har nu nu övergått till en brutal markinvasion som helt isolerat Gaza. Nu nås vi av rapporter om ett lamslaget Gaza utan varken energi- eller fungerande matförsörjning.

I en tid som denna kan vi inte vara tysta eller stå vid sidan om och se på hur ett folk utplånas. Kom och protestera mot kriget!

Arr: Gaza solidaritet

Mål: samla 10 000 personer

Av K - 9 januari 2009 07:28

Här nedan ser du några varumärken som du bör bojkotta om du inte vill ge dina pengar till psykopatmakten Israel!

Tänk på att många högteknologiska produkter är också tillverkade/producerade/utvecklade i Israel! Kolla noga när du skriver avtal för olika tjänster som har med teknik och IT att göra!

Den här bojkotten är det minsta vi kan göra för att stödja det Palestinska folket som lider stort nöd och förluster i tider då Israel försöker förinta dem!

Av K - 9 januari 2009 07:25

UN call fails to stop Gaza violence

About 770 Palestinians have been killed in the violence so far [AFP]


A series of explosions has been heard across the Gaza Strip despite the UN Security Council passing a resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" there.

Al Jazeera's Zeina Awad, reporting from the Israel-Gaza border, said air strikes, tank shelling and gunfire had continued in the early hours of Friday, moments after the resolution had passed.

About half a dozen explosions were heard in Gaza as council members at the UN building in New York were extolling the virtues of the resolution that came after days of diplomatic wrangling.

And there was no sign that either Israel would stop its offensive in the Palestinian territory – now in its 14th day - or Hamas would stop its rocket attacks.

Al Jazeera understands that six Palestinians, including one baby, were killed in an air strike in the northern part of the Gaza Strip early on Friday, raising the Palestinian death toll in Gaza to 769, including more than 200 children, since the Israeli offensive began on December 27.

More than 3,121 people have also been wounded.

Thirteen Israelis, including three civilians, have been killed in the same period and Hamas said it fired 25 rockets and 12 mortars at Israel on Thursday. 

The dire humanitarian situation was not improving, our correspondent added, saying that aid agencies had made it clear that they could not act unless Israel provided them better security.

UN aid suspended

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On Thursday, the United Nations suspended its aid operations in the Gaza Strip in the wake of a series of Israeli attacks on its personnel and buildings.

"Unrwa decided to suspend all its operations in the Gaza Strip because of the increasing hostile actions against its premises and personnel," Adnan Abu Hasna, a Gaza-based spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, said on Thursday.

The move came after Israeli tanks shelled a UN convoy earlier in the day, killing a Palestinian UN worker and injuring two others, as lorries were travelling to the Erez crossing to pick up humanitarian supplies meant to have been allowed in during a three-hour suspension of fire.

At least three UN-run schools have also been hit by Israeli fire, killing scores of civilians, during the 13 days of Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip.

John Ging, the head of Unrwa in Gaza, said the casualties in Thursday's convoy attack were Palestinian civilian contractors hired to bring supplies from the crossing points.

"They were co-ordinating their movements with the Israelis, as they always do, only to find themselves being fired at from the ground troops," he told Al Jazeera.

"We've lost confidence. We have been reassured continuously over the last number of days that these incidents will not reoccur, and I have taken that in good faith because of the humanitarian imperative.

"We want to believe we are safe here ... but the bottom line is that I've lost confidence in the Israeli side and that needs to be restored urgently, and it is their duty to restore this confidence," Ging said.

All convoys to Erez and the Kerem Shalom, which has been the main crossing point used for bringing humanitarian supplies into Gaza, were suspended after the incident.

The Israeli military said it was looking into reports of Thursday's incident.

Also on Thursday, Israel said it halted its military operations for three hours to allow humanitarian aid into the strip.

Explosions were heard in northern Gaza shortly after the three-hour lull, but even during the three hours, Israeli bulldozers crossed into Gaza and destroyed a number of houses, Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher, reporting from southern Israel near the border, said.

Rafah bombing

Thousands of Palestinians fled their homes in the southern Gaza Strip as Israeli forces bombarded Rafah earlier on Thursday.

Homes, a mosque and tunnels were hit in the area along the Egyptian border, witnesses said.

The Israeli military had dropped leaflets beforehand, warning it would "bomb the area due to its use by terrorists to [dig] tunnels and to stock up [on weapons]".

Hundreds of tunnels are believed to cross under the Egyptian border around Rafah allowing Palestinians to smuggle in daily necessities - in short supply due to the Israeli blockade – as well as weapons.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said the military had dropped the flyers "as in the past, to avoid civilian casualties".

Besieged Gazans

But Al Jazeera's Ayman Mohyeldin, reporting from Gaza City, said the Israel had in effect cut the Gaza Strip in two and those in the southern part would not be able to go to the north seeking refuge and vice versa.

The Red Cross says Israel has failed to meet its humanitarian law obligations [Reuters]It was unclear if the latest offensive was the "third stage" of the offensive approved by the Israeli security cabinet on Wednesday.

A senior Israeli defence official said a meeting chaired by Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, had "approved continuing the ground offensive, including a third stage that would broaden it by pushing deeper into populated areas".

The International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) on Thursday accused the Israeli military of not helping wounded Palestinians in an incident in Gaza City that it described as "shocking".

ICRC and Palestinian Red Crescent workers said in a statement that several wounded Palestinians and four weakened children were found alongside 12 dead bodies in houses hit by shelling in Zaytun, less than 100 metres from Israeli positions.

"The ICRC believes that in this instance the Israeli military failed to meet its obligation under international humanitarian law to care for and evacuate the wounded," it said.

The Red Cross team, including four ambulances, had only gained safe passage from Israeli army to access the neighbourhood on January 7 after trying for four days, the ICRC said.



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